Friday, February 15, 2008

Steroid Use

This is an excerpt sent to the Daily Herald on Roger Clemmens:

Is there anybody else out there that is sick and tired of these sport premadonnas. I say allow them all to use Steroids; let them all be super human. And who is congress to investigate; isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black. Other than a few standup politicians there all cheating crooks. Let the athletes stay in a drug induced metabolism highs; when there hearts, liver or other organs give out we'll just replace them, or when they are older and they don't have the metabolism high they will have to work all the harder to keep the flab off. Will we still love them; of course we will; as long as there are people stupid enough to watch them they'll keep paying them those outragious salaries (just like actors). if you really want to hurt them, send them back to the minors to learn what baseball was all about again.

When I decided to comment to the Daily Herald on this it brought up another rant idea on restrictions on planes that I think parallels this. Why restrict pen knifes on the planes; daddyduck says lets let the people arm themselves to the hilt. If someone pulls out a box cutter you pull out a Jim Bowie knife. This reminds me of Crocadile Dundee " Thats not a knife; Thats a knife" The parallism here is our way of handling things in the US is to punish the honest citizen. Your not stopping anything. Do you think you'll hurt the baseball player; Ha; they have made their millions what do they care. Daddyduck says start punishing the criminals and not the people. Who do you think pays for those congressional hearings.

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