Friday, February 15, 2008

NIU School Killings

I am sick and tired of all these school killings that have come on since Columbine. What is wrong with these kids? I heard one comment on the news that these kids these days just can't take criticism or failure, but this murderer didn't fit that profile. A Graduate of NIU, on the Deans list, studying Sociology and peace, what the heck. Is it these violent games; are they living out the game in a fantasy world? These games go beyond violent; they are evil. Yes as a kid we watch movies like Spartacus, Ben Hur, John Wayne Butt kickers, and there was violence, but it wasn't evil. War is a fact of life; it is a horrible thing but it's not evil. War is people fighting for what they believe is right or protecting their way of life. The other possibility is terrorists are brainwashing our children. If you want to stop this you need to cut off the supply of weapons. Shutdown the black markets and Internet sale sites, prosecute the makers of these violent games. Daddyduck says get a grip society

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