Friday, November 30, 2007


It has been a while since I have updated my blog, because I really haven't had anything to rant about (Wow does that mean I'm happy). Contrary to popular belief I am always happy there are just things that irritate me. One of the things that irritate me are politicians; I have never seen such a bunch of babies in my entire life. Every time I turn on the TV or read the paper there is always a politician cutting down another politician. I think they live their life to find dirt on each other. It's a wonder anything gets done in the White House. Imagine what would happen if they all worked together as a team (Whoa! that's a novel idea). I don't care if they have different opinions; that is what makes every person unique, but they could all help each other to help the country for the better. Another thing that irritates me is the commercialization of Christmas. I can't stand it when Christmas displays are out and it is not even Halloween. Another thing that bugs me is radio stations (like the lite) that start playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving and then cut it off on Christmas day. The Christmas season doesn't start until the beginning of Advent and ends on the Epiphany; try playing their music on that schedule instead. Dad says concerning politicians lets grow up boys and girls, and concerning Christmas let learn the true meaning. Seasons greetings to all.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hurray dad! I thought the ranting had stopped. It wouldn't be the holiday season without a good, old fashioned rant from dad! :)