Wednesday, November 7, 2007

This world we live in.

Today is a ranty day with this being just the first of two rants. As I was in the shower today I got to thinking about this germ-a-phobic world of ours and wondering if we haven't brought some of the problems on ourselves. You can't eat steak tartare any more (not that I would, yuck) for fear of Mad Cow disease. You can't add raw eggs to a protein drinks anymore for that extra boost (again not that I would, yuck) for fear of Salmonella. Fish our coming imported filthy and some have mercury in them, what's a man to eat? I guess wild honey and locust is always an option. Even the pets aren't safe. There are brain eating protozoa in Lake Havasu, Flesh eating viruses, Drug resistant Staph infection (MRSA). Have we done this to ourselves with our quest for the super healthy society? It seems everything we work with has antibiotic in it. Vitamins are being shoveled down our throats; pick up a box of cereal, and look it's vitamin fortified. The milk is vitamin fortified. You know you can OD on certain vitamin groups. Don't get me wrong I take a daily vitamin so I believe in it. You don't have to eat you veggies; wow I could've had a V8, I get 2 full helpings of vegetables in every can. Livestock is fed grain with vitamins, antibiotics and God knows what else. God forbid we get a skinny chicken. How long before hemorrhagic fever, Ebola and other viral diseases hit us. Dad says gird up loins and watch your butt because were just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

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