Monday, November 5, 2007


Every time I pick up the paper I read about another union on another strike in another city. I ask you who really suffers from these strikes? It's not the strikers its John Q public. This week the Hollywood screen writers are on strike, at the end of summer it was the teachers union, sometimes it's the UAW or the construction workers or the airlines. In almost every case they get their way but it was the Kids or the drivers or flyer's or whoever that suffered. Whatever happened to loyalty in companies? Take a look around you and you will see the results of the economic down turn; large companies that have closed down, cutbacks, RIF's, etc; everybody is hurting but some companies deal with it better. The unions had a good purpose once upon a time but they became to big and powerful; they still could do good but why does everything have involve strikes? Striking is not the way, it only achieves short term results but what's needed is a long term settlement. I still think that changes can be made through passive negotiation without hurting John Q Public. Dad says grow up people and start acting like adults.

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