Friday, November 30, 2007


It has been a while since I have updated my blog, because I really haven't had anything to rant about (Wow does that mean I'm happy). Contrary to popular belief I am always happy there are just things that irritate me. One of the things that irritate me are politicians; I have never seen such a bunch of babies in my entire life. Every time I turn on the TV or read the paper there is always a politician cutting down another politician. I think they live their life to find dirt on each other. It's a wonder anything gets done in the White House. Imagine what would happen if they all worked together as a team (Whoa! that's a novel idea). I don't care if they have different opinions; that is what makes every person unique, but they could all help each other to help the country for the better. Another thing that irritates me is the commercialization of Christmas. I can't stand it when Christmas displays are out and it is not even Halloween. Another thing that bugs me is radio stations (like the lite) that start playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving and then cut it off on Christmas day. The Christmas season doesn't start until the beginning of Advent and ends on the Epiphany; try playing their music on that schedule instead. Dad says concerning politicians lets grow up boys and girls, and concerning Christmas let learn the true meaning. Seasons greetings to all.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Give me a break!!!!

My second rant of the day concerns a 13 year old girl in downstate Illinois who was given detention for hugging a friend. Are you high? Whats the matter superintendant didn't you get hugged as a child and now you feel you need to punish others for outward signs of affection. The school edict states that outward signs of affection will not be allowed. It's not like she was sucking face or fornicating in the locker room. I am beginning to get really irritated at these bureaucrats that warm a chair with their butts and make up ridiculous laws but don't pay the teachers enough so that they have to strike. It's OK if you wear a baseball cap sideways and flash gang signs because it would be politically incorrect to confront them as this is their thing. It's OK if they wear jeans with holes every where and their boxers popping out the top because they're just children expressing themselves. Oh but hey it's OK that the coach cops a feel in gymnastics because it's a hands on sport.Things can be ethically and morally wrong but there politically correct. Punish the kids with weapons, drugs, gang banger slogans; question the kids that are wearing a trench coat when it 90 degrees outside but lay off the hugging. This was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard lately. Give the girl a break. Dad says quite frankly,"Kiss My Ass" to that school district.

This world we live in.

Today is a ranty day with this being just the first of two rants. As I was in the shower today I got to thinking about this germ-a-phobic world of ours and wondering if we haven't brought some of the problems on ourselves. You can't eat steak tartare any more (not that I would, yuck) for fear of Mad Cow disease. You can't add raw eggs to a protein drinks anymore for that extra boost (again not that I would, yuck) for fear of Salmonella. Fish our coming imported filthy and some have mercury in them, what's a man to eat? I guess wild honey and locust is always an option. Even the pets aren't safe. There are brain eating protozoa in Lake Havasu, Flesh eating viruses, Drug resistant Staph infection (MRSA). Have we done this to ourselves with our quest for the super healthy society? It seems everything we work with has antibiotic in it. Vitamins are being shoveled down our throats; pick up a box of cereal, and look it's vitamin fortified. The milk is vitamin fortified. You know you can OD on certain vitamin groups. Don't get me wrong I take a daily vitamin so I believe in it. You don't have to eat you veggies; wow I could've had a V8, I get 2 full helpings of vegetables in every can. Livestock is fed grain with vitamins, antibiotics and God knows what else. God forbid we get a skinny chicken. How long before hemorrhagic fever, Ebola and other viral diseases hit us. Dad says gird up loins and watch your butt because were just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Every time I pick up the paper I read about another union on another strike in another city. I ask you who really suffers from these strikes? It's not the strikers its John Q public. This week the Hollywood screen writers are on strike, at the end of summer it was the teachers union, sometimes it's the UAW or the construction workers or the airlines. In almost every case they get their way but it was the Kids or the drivers or flyer's or whoever that suffered. Whatever happened to loyalty in companies? Take a look around you and you will see the results of the economic down turn; large companies that have closed down, cutbacks, RIF's, etc; everybody is hurting but some companies deal with it better. The unions had a good purpose once upon a time but they became to big and powerful; they still could do good but why does everything have involve strikes? Striking is not the way, it only achieves short term results but what's needed is a long term settlement. I still think that changes can be made through passive negotiation without hurting John Q Public. Dad says grow up people and start acting like adults.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

High Definition Madness

On February 17th 2009 the entire American population is being forced to switch their television to digital or loose all signal. Who in their infinite wisdom came up with this brilliant idea you ask, why our congress of course. They slate the benefits of better reception and digital quality sound not to mention being able to see every facial blemish on all the actors and actresses; Wow Paris Hilton with a pimple, and I thought she was perfect. Oh, it's more flexible and efficient technology and also frees up parts of the airwaves to provide wireless spectrum for future innovative services by entrepreneurs. Hmm! I wonder who owns those new start up companies? This means that approximately 70 million television sets risk loosing signal unless they switch. Oh but switching is easy all you have to do is any of the following:
1. Buy a DTV converter (Hmm! I wonder who owns the company that makes those)
2. Purchase an HDTV television (Oh and don't forget to buy the high quality antenna for DTV. Hmm! I wonder who owns that company)
3. By cable or satellite

Dad says speak up America and tell them to stick it up their wazoo, lets all dump our TV's into the Boston harbor.

Monday, October 29, 2007

"Not the J word"

This morning I read about a girl who attends Wheaton College and is in the middle of a federal lawsuit with her former High School about her valedictorian speech she made. You see she said the Lord Jesus Christ was her personal saviour and that everybody should come to him. Oh my God she said the "J" word in school. The school made her apologize for such a blunder. It's OK if the Student's use the "F" word like it's an everyday part of the English language; it's OK if they show the crack of their ass and other body parts. Go ahead and smoke, Take drugs, binge drink, celebrate every holiday except Christmas but God forgive us if we mention Jesus in school. Dad says it's time to take the politically correct out of the school system and instill the values so desperately needed back into our children. It's time to take the board of directors and replace it with the board of elders (similar to the way the American Indian nation governs itself). It's time to get back to basics. I applaud this girl and her bravery for standing up for what she believes. Amen!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Live Long and Prosper

The other night on Nightline I was listening to a story about a Canadian photographer who was doing a documentary on sharks. While filming his documentary he ran across a group of pirates illegally fishing sharks for shark fin soup. In his investigation he ran into a wharf with literally 10's of thousands of shark fins; the people that he would later call the shark fin mafia would cut the fins off and cast the remaining sharks into the sea. This was millions of dollars of of shark fin which is used as texture in soup and has absolutely nothing to do with the flavor; a soup that is basically for the rich. To quote Spock from Startrek 4 ; "To hunt a species to extinction is not logical"; if we only knew how prophetic that statement was. Once again mankind in their infinite stupidity has let money; the driving force of this world; interrupt God's ultimate plan. The shark is at the top of the food chain in the ocean and is part of the delicate ecological system. Imagine what a sewer hole the ocean would be if all the scavengers of the ocean were killed to extinction. I say grow up mankind. Live long and prosper Mr shark.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Traffic Sucks

One of my pet peeves like most everybody else in this world is traffic. It seems like there is no way to get away from it. One might think that this is caused by the influx of all the people to an area but Dad says different. I believe that this is caused by the way cities and work places are laid out. Enter the industrial complex. What do you suppose would happen if you built a complex that houses all the workplaces and you make it accessible by one or two arteries; well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Since all the communities are built around this complex all the people drive down the same roads at the same time everyday to get to work. Imagine if factories and offices were spread out all over the county; one person goes this way and another that way ; nobody jamming the same artery day in and day out. The concept of the industrial parks wasn't for convenience it was to put money in the coffers of greedy land developers (that's a rant for another day). Well dad says, ride a bike, walk, work from home anything but drive in traffic.