Sunday, October 28, 2007

Live Long and Prosper

The other night on Nightline I was listening to a story about a Canadian photographer who was doing a documentary on sharks. While filming his documentary he ran across a group of pirates illegally fishing sharks for shark fin soup. In his investigation he ran into a wharf with literally 10's of thousands of shark fins; the people that he would later call the shark fin mafia would cut the fins off and cast the remaining sharks into the sea. This was millions of dollars of of shark fin which is used as texture in soup and has absolutely nothing to do with the flavor; a soup that is basically for the rich. To quote Spock from Startrek 4 ; "To hunt a species to extinction is not logical"; if we only knew how prophetic that statement was. Once again mankind in their infinite stupidity has let money; the driving force of this world; interrupt God's ultimate plan. The shark is at the top of the food chain in the ocean and is part of the delicate ecological system. Imagine what a sewer hole the ocean would be if all the scavengers of the ocean were killed to extinction. I say grow up mankind. Live long and prosper Mr shark.

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