Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sick and tired of the Killing

It has been a long time since I ranted so I picked this one to start again.

Are you sick and tied of the killing? It seems you can't pickup a paper, a magazine or other periodical, listen to the radio or TV and not hear about another senseless murder. Nine in Alabama, I think it was 6 in a German school, countless drive bys and yet the government wants to take away our handguns and put more gun control on. What sense does this make, the perpetrators will only get them from the black market; gun control will not stop that? I am not an advocate of violence, but maybe it's about time that the American people start arming themselves. Guns do not murder people, people murder people.

If nut cases are going to shoot at us than I say, shoot back. Blow their miserable asses away. People in the old west were not afraid to walk on the streets at night. It's time to arm our police to fight against this crap. If villains are going to carry assault rifles then our police should carry Uzis. If the criminals are packin Uzis then our police need Gatling guns. Nothing like a little puff the magic dragon to even the score. I am all for peace, but if peace takes a little of Teddie Roosevelts way of achieving it then go for it.

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