Friday, March 20, 2009

In God We Trust

I received an email from a friend that had a link to MSNBC asking people to vote if the inscription "In God We Trust" should be taken off our currency. Hell no!! This shouldn't even be an issue! This nation was formed on Christian principles and the majority of the population is Christian. I am sick and tied of watching this great nation go down the toilet because a minority of atheists don't like our ideals. To Bad!! If you don't like it get out. They say this is a free nation but is it really? It seems are freedoms are being taken away one by one. For Christ sake you can't even say Merry Christmas anymore it has to be Happy Holidays. God forbid there is a Christmas program on the television or a display out in public. Has our government forgot who comprises the majority of the people in this nation and who has the voting power or is it they just don't have any balls. I opt for the later. Thank God 87% of the people agree with no change. In God We Trust; You bet!


Michelle said...

Dad, our country was founded by people attempting to ESCAPE religious persecution. The same people who used Christian "ideals" to justify the killing of thousands of Native Americans so that they could pretend they were here first.

Separation of church and state is a good idea, and you can't pick and choose when it's applicable. If the government were to step in to Catholic church business, you would say, "Hey, get out, we have separation of church and state." Well, how come it doesn't work the other way? The world is going to pot not from crazy athiests, dad, but from hypocrites with extremist ideas.

Daddy Duck said...

Oh contraire my rebelious one. This present day country was formed by God fearing men and we the people have corrupted it. If you want to go back to pilgrim days that was the English not US citizens running from religious persecution. I do not advocate the killing of anybody to make a point or claim first and I dispise what was done to the Indians, but this was not what our country was formed on. Corrupt politians, greedy lawyers, lobbyists, special intrest groups and the almighty buck have corrupted this country. Yes there should be seapration of church and state as far as running the country, but this is no diffent then posting the 10 commandments in the court house lobby.
We are supposed to be judging by Christian standards and not by who can greese each others palms the most. Maybe we should change the phrase "In God we Trust" to "In the Almighty Buck we trust". However the great thing about this country is your entitled to your own opinion.