Monday, October 29, 2007

"Not the J word"

This morning I read about a girl who attends Wheaton College and is in the middle of a federal lawsuit with her former High School about her valedictorian speech she made. You see she said the Lord Jesus Christ was her personal saviour and that everybody should come to him. Oh my God she said the "J" word in school. The school made her apologize for such a blunder. It's OK if the Student's use the "F" word like it's an everyday part of the English language; it's OK if they show the crack of their ass and other body parts. Go ahead and smoke, Take drugs, binge drink, celebrate every holiday except Christmas but God forgive us if we mention Jesus in school. Dad says it's time to take the politically correct out of the school system and instill the values so desperately needed back into our children. It's time to take the board of directors and replace it with the board of elders (similar to the way the American Indian nation governs itself). It's time to get back to basics. I applaud this girl and her bravery for standing up for what she believes. Amen!!


Michelle said...

Dad, I applaud your passion and am pleased to see that your semicolon usage is improving.

But, I'm not so sure I agree with all your points. While I agree that there are worse things happening in schools and I don't think this girl should be punished for using Jesus in her speech, she really should not be making claims about everyone coming to Him. It's a school, not a church, and ALL students, Christian and otherwise, should feel safe there. They should not be made to feel like someone else's beliefs are being forced on them.

You're speaking as a Christian and taking a very "If THEY (meaning non-Christians) don't like it, they can leave!" attitude. This is America, dad, and we are so lucky to be free to practice what we would like. But that freedom comes with the responsibility that we will allow others that freedom as well. How would you feel if a Muslim student gave the speech and urged others to come to his/her god? Don't even try to say that you would think that was fine, too, dad, because I know you too well. Think about it. You would say that the majority of American's are Christian, right? And majority rules? I don't think so.

All good writers consider their audience. Were she to do a commencement speech at Wheaton College, by all means mention the J-word every other line! It is a Christian college, after all. But in a public school with students of all faiths, her God shout out was inappropriate. The issue is not the J-word, it's the fact that she said everyone should come to Him.

The bottom line is that religion is the root of so much conflict all over the world. People have been fighting in the name if Jesus or Allah or what have you. They twist and turn the words of holy books around to fit their cause. Why bring a Holy War to public schools? Double amen!

Daddy Duck said...

I do take you points as valid but why is it were the only country in the world that has to hide our religion. Every body else is open about it. If you told a Muslin country that they no longer could celebrate one of their holidays in school because it offended the Christians they would tell you to take a hike. It's about the majority Christian population stands up to their oppression and take back this country.