Thursday, February 11, 2010

Get a grip America!

Just this morning on the news it was reported that Sarah Palin's approval rating is down; 71% say she is not qualified to be president, Hogswallow! If you ask me she is a lot more qualified than that boob that is running the country now. Which one of his campaign promises has he fulfilled? We are still at a high jobless rate in America (he's real fast to blame other presidents) and yet he keeps penalizing the big corporations and giving our money away. It doesn't take rocket science to realize that when large corporations are fat they feed the smaller corporations that they outsource to. America is second to none when it comes to health care, but the insurance companies continue to rape us; but his health care plan will fix that. If you think government run health care is so great talk to Kitty Werthmann or better yet refernce and read about 1938 Austria. Has he been the mayor of a city (It doesn't matter how samll); has he been the governor of a state? So what exactly has our junior senator from Illinois done; passed a few bills? America stop be hornswoggled. I'll tell you what the real problem is; number 1 she is radical, they don't like her politics. Radical is what we need, not some polished bonehead that plays politics as usual. Number 2 she is woman, we still suffer from an age old prejudice that a woman isn't capable of doing what a man does. She couldn't possibly be the commander and chief of the armed forces. I have never seen anybody that can answer any question asked of her as quickly as she can. That is the ability you need to make command decisions. In the play "Defending the Caveman" the men are the hunters and the women the gatherers. We've had enough hunters, It's time for a gatherer. Women know how to scrimp and save a buck; women know how to care for the sick, women know how to negotiate arguments. Hell our own congress is anything but Bipartisan. Abraham Lincoln said it best " A house divided against itself cannot stand". For once we need to stop fighting with each other an work together as a whole and I think Sarah will bring us to that. I think it's time that America takes a long hard look at itself. Get a grip America.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What's up with that

It's been a while since I have ranted , but this one sort of bugged me. When I was at choir practice the other day we found that the song "Yahweh I know you are here" or something like that ; had to lose the word Yahweh and replace it with Oh Lord. Whats up with that? According to the director the Vatacan said that the term Yahweh offended the Jewish community so all songs with Yahweh in them must now have it removed. Does this now mean that the entire Old Testament has to be rewritten to remove any reference to Yahweh; which by the way is a proper name of God? I can't for the life of me think why using a proper name would be offensive. All I can think is What's up with that?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sorry for the absense

I'm sorry I have not ranted for a while; which may be good, it may mean all is good. I promise I will soon update with some new rants.